ZOOMとYoutubeで表彰式を運営/Award ceremony management using online ZOOM.

ZOOMを使った表彰式運営でお悩みのご担当者様。弊社がZOOMセッティングから全国のご参加者への事前の技術サポートやリハーサル実施、そして本番実施を行います。同時Youtube運営・映像と音響・運営スタッフ・司会者まで、全ておまかせください。詳しくはコチラ /We will run an award ceremony using ZOOM. We will set up the ZOOM function and hold a pre-briefing, technical problem resolution, rehearsal management, and this award ceremony for participants in the awards ceremony nationwide. Please leave everything from simultaneous broadcasting on Youtube, video shooting and sound installation at the main venue, arrangement of management staff, arrangement of the moderator. 
